September 21, 2010

Wisdom from Justice.

Justice ranted to me about politics (which led to other fine subjects) the other day from her London home.

Why yes, this happened for real.

I compiled a paragraph of what she said with my laughing and agreeing and cheering edited out:

Justice: They are the most vinegary chips I've ever eaten in my entire life. Vinegar reminds me of Jesus.
Justice: I don't know. It has to do with easter eggs.

Okay for real:

"I hate it when people try to sound intelligent...Because we are all actually very stupid so there is no point in trying...We are all just repeating what somebody else said, and it didn't make sense when they said it, but people think if they keep repeating it it makes it make sense. But it doesn't. It's just as dumb as it was when the first person said it...And people are stupid to think they have to think about things. All politics is is over thinking...They just sit around and put a bunch of big words together like ideology and communal values and then they think they have said something interesting. But they haven't. Cause we are stupid. (Justice, you are making me laugh so hard.) Good, cause there is nothing else to do in life worth while except for laugh. Cause nothing makes sense! Actually, it all makes sense, but dumb butts have to sit around and think about things that already make sense, and make them not make sense anymore...Becuase if everyone just did what was right instead of think about it, then it would make senes. But if you have to think about it, then it doesn't make sense so you have to make something up that doesn't make sense to make it make sense, even though it already made sense before you thought about it!...Who cares what some dead head said a hundred years ago, because he was just as stupid as we are today, so there is no point in carrying about what he thought then, cause that was then and he is dead now, so it didn't make him immortal, so he had nothing important to say...The only wise people are the one's who know they're stupid."

There's nothing more to say after that. G'night.

September 7, 2010

Because Somebody is too good for words.

I had given up hope, but I am a ballerina again! God bless the Lord!

This was from my first park ranger party. I will miss that park ranger. She made one of my life dreams come true. Here's an uncropped picture of my life dream come true:

I am loved to a ridiculous degree.