I have noticed over my nineteen years that it seems that very often when I sat down to think about which is my favorite member of a band (A habit I cannot break myself of and have had since childhood.) (Well, early childhood, since I am still in childhood.), I usually pick the bass player. Granted, it's not every time, but it happened enough that it caught my attention. One day some of my more boy-crazy friends pointed out the fact that bassists are always "the hott ones" in the band. Silly, but still it goes along with my own findings, since my friends would always pick the "hottest" one for their favorite. Thus I developed the Theory of Bassists.
The world is full of wonderful bassists. And the world loves bassists. Everyone gravitates towards the bassists. This the Theory of Bassists.
Also, I'm going to make a band called Theory of Bassists.
I will be in it.
I will play the accordion.
Right now I have this really awkward picture of plus size woman's underwear as my phone background and I feel really awkward every time I open my phone. I love feeling awkward. I love being embarrassed. It makes me feel strong.
If you want I can text this picture to you. It's really funny. I texted it to my brother. He felt really awkward too.
The other night in my dream I met Olivier Theyskens and he was really weird.
I've been having sleep walking/talking/acting situations again recently.
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