December 7, 2010

I'm reading a book. Like for fun.

It's been a while since I done that.

This is one of my new favorite things in the world. I always knew her in class, but now we're real life friends. I even hang out with her. Sometimes more than once in two weeks. Been a while since I done that too. She never does what I expect and she's hilarious as crash. And she likes me for whoever I am and never makes me feel stupid for anything I say or do. I love when you are free to be yourself around someone. She's a real treat.

This has been a pretty poop-filled past five months, really. But then there have been three good things that I am so, so glad about: Okay four: No order:

1. Dahlia. (Her.)
2. The Lamb. (My teacher.)
3. All those concerts in October. (Blitzen Trapper Brandi Carlile Avett Brothers Eisley Langhorne Slim Johnny Flynn Langhorne Slim Jonsi. Too much to bear.)
4. Hannah Noelle. (Okay, well she is about to happen. Like...NOW! Or......NOW! ANY SECOND, MY LIFE WILL CHANGE.)

Speaking of. LOOK how CUTE she is. Josh dreamed she had red hair. Who predicted this? Me. Nine months ago. But then Leah dreamed she was a black baby boy. Haaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

November 17, 2010

Well I'm gonna study wolverines till I go to meet the Great Wolverine in the sky.

I was just telling a friend.

The word cuddle makes me want to poop in my own mouth.

I stole this picture from Nature. I do not watch television, but I watch PBS. Usually online. Does that count? Lately I've been learning about wolverines and crows and stuff. Got this great quote last night from the wolverines episode: "Well I'm gonna study wolverines till I go meet the Great Wolverine in the sky." I just made it the title of this post, so you probably had to read it twice. I win. And so do you.

November 9, 2010


One of my greatest college moments happened the other night.

I was walking from the parking lot to my dorm. I was still pretty far away when I heard about seven boys in their room absolutely screaming their hearts out some awful country song. They weren't just singing (badly) along. They were ad-libbing and running all over those notes and really just being so passionate about it. Seven of them. As loud as humanly possible. I could not stop laughing.

This is Justice in Turkey. She's a woman of the world.

Jenna is currently Googling how much Justin Bieber makes per concert, how much Miranda Crosgrove makes per episode and how much Bill Gates makes per second. She's a woman of the world.

November 8, 2010


School is where trying your best means nothing. Where the slow and steady do not win the race. Where God actually does forsake you.

I am packing for Alaska. I will sit in the woods in Alaska until I morph into a moose. Then I will live a beautiful life. Until maybe a hunter kills me, but I will still have had more fun than being here, ever.

Also red bikes have been haunting me.

November 3, 2010


I think people are phases. Almost every friend I have ever had has been temporary. Just a passing season. It sure is a blast while it lasts, then it goes away for some reason or another. Most of the time I am okay with this. It's not like I actually hang out with people anyway. But then I think it is probably my fault that people are phases in my life. I think I need to figure out what is wrong with me, or what I am doing wrong. There are some people I simply don't want to go away or for me to go away from. I am horrible at being a friend. I'll make you crafts till you hate me for it, but I probably won't call you up to get lunch ever. Maybe I just friend the kind of people who like getting lunch. Or who cannot stand crafts like I cannot stand lab reports.

If you need spiritual healing of any sort, go see Jonsi live. I have never seen anything like that show, nor will I again. There was something so powerful and tangible brought out by that man that just messed up your heart for permanent. I really can't even describe it. No one I've talked to seems to understand what it did to me except for my brother, as usual. Sometimes I think we talk in our own code and don't even realize that it isn't words anyone else can speak.

Today I wrote a story. It has been years since I've written a story. It was told from the point of view of some bug wings.

Another life-changing experience from last week:

This is pretty boring. Also as usual. See ya.

October 18, 2010


Belly dancing makes me die a little.

Not a good die.

Science is as good as crafts.

Look how long and full my ponytail is.

October 7, 2010


LOOK AT THIS MAN'S HAIR. I am very good at seeing beauty in even tiny things. But this is no tiny thing. This hair could change the hearts of men to give up their selfish ways and plant apple trees and mango trees for the hungry and give homes to the orphans and stop wearing Uggs and Crocs.

And when I saw this man, he had a beard. Friends. This beard was unlike anything I have seen in a long time. It was like the essence of man was resting on his face as a slumbering bear. My life was invalid.

September 21, 2010

Wisdom from Justice.

Justice ranted to me about politics (which led to other fine subjects) the other day from her London home.

Why yes, this happened for real.

I compiled a paragraph of what she said with my laughing and agreeing and cheering edited out:

Justice: They are the most vinegary chips I've ever eaten in my entire life. Vinegar reminds me of Jesus.
Justice: I don't know. It has to do with easter eggs.

Okay for real:

"I hate it when people try to sound intelligent...Because we are all actually very stupid so there is no point in trying...We are all just repeating what somebody else said, and it didn't make sense when they said it, but people think if they keep repeating it it makes it make sense. But it doesn't. It's just as dumb as it was when the first person said it...And people are stupid to think they have to think about things. All politics is is over thinking...They just sit around and put a bunch of big words together like ideology and communal values and then they think they have said something interesting. But they haven't. Cause we are stupid. (Justice, you are making me laugh so hard.) Good, cause there is nothing else to do in life worth while except for laugh. Cause nothing makes sense! Actually, it all makes sense, but dumb butts have to sit around and think about things that already make sense, and make them not make sense anymore...Becuase if everyone just did what was right instead of think about it, then it would make senes. But if you have to think about it, then it doesn't make sense so you have to make something up that doesn't make sense to make it make sense, even though it already made sense before you thought about it!...Who cares what some dead head said a hundred years ago, because he was just as stupid as we are today, so there is no point in carrying about what he thought then, cause that was then and he is dead now, so it didn't make him immortal, so he had nothing important to say...The only wise people are the one's who know they're stupid."

There's nothing more to say after that. G'night.

September 7, 2010

Because Somebody is too good for words.

I had given up hope, but I am a ballerina again! God bless the Lord!

This was from my first park ranger party. I will miss that park ranger. She made one of my life dreams come true. Here's an uncropped picture of my life dream come true:

I am loved to a ridiculous degree.

August 27, 2010

Plaid, prisms, pansies, Pinocchio, portraits and plants.

I was waiting in line to rent my schoolbooks. The line winds like a three-hundred yard long snake throughout the first and second floors of the campus bookstore. Right near the end, you have to pass through the merchandise section full of ASU cups and mugs and glasses. I found this gem. Only $5.99!!!

I loved the world a lot that day.

Also, I have begun learning about something cooler than plants: mushrooms. I cannot even tell you how much of a dream class Mycology is. Too bad I'm not in it. Dream Class taught by the Dream Friend. My gosh, it's heaven.

July 22, 2010

I am to be an aunt.

It is a girl. She is the most beautiful thing in the world.

Look at that nose! And that red hair. She is going to be my best friend. I am going to make us matching dresses.

Tuesday I am going to meet the founder of my Southeast Kansas fan club. I can't wait. I am not sure why I have a fan club, but my hair doesn't. I am famous in these parts for my hair, but it's not getting credit.

My arms hurt very bad because I have been playing with a forty-four inch beach ball very harshly for the past two days. Brutal.

Lately Johnny Flynn has stolen my heart again. Stolen it and eaten it raw. Like raw tuna but I am not a fish.

I just have to share this because this was a life-changing moment for me:

(See 0:20.) Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think this would happen.

Hey look. There's Superchic[k] in the background.

April 14, 2010

A lick of ice-cream.

Though I am too short to see, I am in the crowd for a lot of these shots. Careful- you might fall in love like me.

I think I have become quite a more interesting person since the last time I wrote on here. But who actually knows. I've become a smellier person, this much is for certain truth. In fact, I have not showered for six weeks and six days. If you don't believe me, I will send you flakes of skin from my legs, a rug made of armpit hair and a smear made from the bacteria on my skin.

(Did you know there are more bacteria cells on and in you than there are body cells that make up you?)

My current favorite songs:

1. Shooting Star by Harper Simon.
1. Love Lost by Mindy Smith.
1. Bag of Hammers by Thao with The Get Down Stay Down.
1. Circa by Death Vessel.

I was faithfully, as a faithful student would, reading my Human Systems and Physiology book the other day a day before my final exam, and I turned the page and stumbled upon MY BROTHER!

With slightly enlarged buns and thighs!

How hilarious is that. It's like exactly him, minus a little bit of buns and thighs. Even the ice-climbing. Perfect. Silly Jesus. You're so sweet.

I am making the most wonderful thing I have ever made. It is not an original idea, but it don't even matter. ANNA, I seriously cannot wait to show you. And I am saving money so I can try to meet you this summer because I am brave and actually drive cars now.

I love you, world.

January 9, 2010

Really with her, there was very little in between.

it's like he's elvis and youre a funny little fanatic girl back in the day! listenin to breaking hips on the voodoo evilmagic speakerbox. no knowledge of these times obviously.

The following conversation actually took place:

Friend: Your show was great!
Jasa: Yes! You are the best.
Langhorne Slim (to Jasa): YOU'RE the best. Together, we are the best.

This was Christmas. No power. No water. A little bit of heat. Totally Amish.

I got a cup with a moustache on it.